Standard 500 series modular size 1.5? x 5.25?
3-Bands with 9 selectable frequencies per band
±16 dB of boost and cut using continuous variable potentiometer
Push button shelving option for low and high frequencies
All discrete design
High headroom
Low noise
Jensen transformers couple the input & output
Custom machined aluminum knobs
Gold plated rotary switches and 15-way connector for long life
Utilizes 1122 opamps
The E27 was created for the need of a high quality modular equalizer. High performance, versatility, ease of use, and simplicity is the initial core of the E27’s design. Some of the best analog gear from the past was the inspiration for its character in sound. Outstanding quality and most suitable parts are used throughout – gold-plated switches, high performance capacitors, high-quality transformers, and custom machined aluminum knobs.
Today’s engineers deal with many different types of recording equipment from older high-end analog gear to the newest digitally controlled recording equipment. With this in mind, the E27 can interface easily with many types of gear including balanced or unbalanced sources, high or low impedance loads, even unbalanced loads.
The level knob controls up to 16 db’s of cut and boost but for those who only need a few db’s, the travel of the pot starts slow and speeds up at the extremes giving the user more fine control at levels of 6 db’s or less. Knob positions are not only easy to see from a distance but are also felt – the level pot knob has a small point so you know where you are without looking at the eq. The outer frequency control knob has a knurl texture for ease of grip.
For more information on this or any Avedis Audio product, visit www.avedisaudio.com.
